Tuesday, December 21, 2010


A review of Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, in the form of a short poem:

As though a real original would kill us or appall us,
Ridley's Robin Hood is a rip-off William Wallace,
I'd rather watch a blue-faced Gibson (gutted) shouting "FREEDOM!"
Or Costner's semi-realist tale, which at least starred Morgan Freeman.


  1. Clever Quimby...clever ;) love you

  2. This is going to sound soooooo random, but Are you the Tayolor Quimby that went to St Georges Primary School in Mayfair London in (i think) 1993/1994? If you are, this is such a coincidence, I went there too, we were in year 6, and i understand you went back to the states shortly afterwards.

    If i am wrong, apologies, the guy i went to school with had exactly the same name and hair and eye colour! however if you are the right one, it would be so nice to hear from you, not sure if you remember me, my name is Hadil, (probably won't remember that name! lol)

    anyway! if you are the one and would like to get in contact, feel free to email me, hadillion @ hotmail . com
    Would be nice to hear from you, and hope you are well. if you are not the right one, APOLOGIES lol! no harm, no foul

    Take care!
